South Africa, Stellenbosch, Monday, 30 August 2021; Calling all out-of-the-barrel thinkers and innovators! An exciting new competition launched by the South African Brandy Foundation that launches today offers local creatives and innovators the chance to win a share of R90 000 PLUS the opportunity to launch their own brand. Entries close on October 20th 2021.
The 3 top entrants stand a chance of launching their own brandy brand with support and mentorship of industry stalwarts. In addition to this, there is a cash prize of R30 000 for the top 3 entrants chosen.
The competition was conceived by the South African Brandy Foundation, the organisation that serves as the official guardian of the spirit’s unique South African heritage.

“From the very beginnings over 300 years ago right up to its status as world champion, South African brandy has been sustained by evolution and innovation. The South African Brandy Innovation Challenge seeks to harness that DNA in plotting its success into the future,” says Foundation director Christelle Reade-Jahn.
“We are looking for creative out-of-the-barrel thinkers, brandy blending enthusiasts and those with a game-changing business idea that encapsulates the character of premium South African Brandy to share the spirit with the country.”
To be in the running for the prizes, entrants must
1. Create their own innovative brandy brand and produce a business plan that includes a launch proposal and marketing strategy; and,
2. Submit your comprehensive proposal by email to innovation@sabrandy.co.za on or before October 20th, 2021.
3. To qualify for entry, the brandy needs to adhere to the Liquor Products Act definition of Potstill/Cape brandy, Vintage brandy or blended brandy.

At the close of the competition deadline, the best entries will be selected from proposals and chosen entrants will be required to present their business proposal to a panel of industry experts.
Once announced, winners will be mentored and assisted to bring and launch their products into the South African consumer market.
“The South African Brandy Innovation Challenge can be the opportunity of a lifetime for budding entrepreneurs looking for a way to realise an idea they’ve been sitting on, hoping to find the resources,” says Christelle. “For us, it’s a chance to contribute to re-invigorating the category and show the enthusiasm with which South Africans enjoy a truly home-grown and excellent spirit.”
Terms and conditions about the South African Brandy Foundation’s Innovation Challenge, as well as information about the Foundation in general, are available at

The South African Brandy Innovation Challenge will also feature on the South African Brandy Foundation’s social media channels. Follow the Innovation Challenge via Facebook @brandysouthafrica; Instagram, @sa_brandy; Twitter, @brandyrockssa; and, on YouTube @sabrandyfoundation.
#BrandyInnovation #sharethespirit
For comment, contact Christelle Reade-Jahn, Director of the South African Brandy Foundation via innovation@sabrandy.co.za.
For Press and Media assistance contact Ian Manley of ManleySocial on 0861 MANLEY (626 539) or email ian@publicity.co.za.